Sally Gardens Youth Zone

Sally Gardens Youth Zone runs each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.  For registration and further information contact Ronan 02890627250 or email Youth  Activities are fun and engaging with a very diverse programme of events.

Sally Gardens Christmas Intervention

Christmas-2015-150x150[1]Sally Gardens Christmas intervention programme was a roaring success with a special visit from Santa on a number of occasions, visiting our Youth Zone, Youth Drop In, Senior Citizens, Colin Safer Neighbourhood Disco and we had all the pupils from St Kieran’s.  A total of 620 selection boxes had been given out to all participants.  A special thank you to Belfast PCSP for funding the event.  The centre remained open over the Christmas period to provide much needed youth provision.

The Law, Community and us!

We thought about the law and the law won!

A big shout out to Policing and Community Safety Partnerships and Belfast City Council who provided funding for PCA @ Sally Gardens to engage with over 20 young people on a range of programmes, one of which was  Community at Heart that challenged behaviours and consequences of behaviours.

Good Relations Programmes

A massive thanks to Belfast City Council who funded The Good Relations Programme in Sally Gardens Community Centre.

The young people really enjoyed the opportunity to put their views across sometimes in a most direct manner!



Poleglass Community Association @ Sally Gardens Summer Scheme 2015


Children, children and even more children! The noise level really went up as Sally Gardens Community Centre went child crazy over a two week period in the summer of 2015. The staff organised a number of events including trips out and in house activities to keep the children excited and wanting more fun!

We had a fun filled two weeks and can’t WAIT to next year.. No doubt it will be bigger, better and LOUDER! We have to say a HUGE, HUGE thank you to our dedicated volunteers who supported us throughout the two weeks and more! A special thanks to Belfast City Council for funding this summer scheme.

summer scheme website pic